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Tips and tricks to help you during this journey. Learn about real estate, property management and everything in between. 

Get ready to move into a new home in Valparaiso
January 28, 2024
The best way to pack is to create a plan and start early. Here are some helpful tips to make moving a little easier and less stressful.
Berkshire Hathaway Realtor Valparaiso
December 19, 2023
Avoid the competitive Spring market by selling now. Cold weather won’t deter a motivated homebuyer. Corporate relocations often take place before the new year and those employees want to find a home now. Buyers want to get their children enrolled in school before the second semester begins. Homebuyers may feel they have a better chance of finding a home while their competitors nest at home until the snow melts.
Homes for Sale Valparaiso
March 28, 2023
First impression is everything! Clean up your home and make it spotless. Organize everything, including closets. Don’t forget to check inside your closets and other hidden places. They will want to see everything. Make Your home cozy and inviting. Add artwork, plants, dried flowers, candles and other things that will make the property feel homey.
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